Gifts Galore: Christmas

smiling cartoon penguin holding two candy canes facing to make a heart
A family-friendly game that's all about Christmas! Gather your loved ones close and take your Christmas gifting experience to a whole new level.

Whether you're looking to take the "forced" out of "family fun" (we've all been there), or you simply want to add a little something extra special to your holiday traditions, the Gifts Galore board game is the perfect choice!

Plus, it makes for a fantastic Christmas gift—just make sure they open this one first 😉

Optional expansion deck available for playing with kids aged 3–7, and don't forget to check out our variants for playing at parties, with coworkers, and throughout the holiday season!

Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, we were able to do our first production run in 2024!

Missed the campaign but want a copy of the game?
We have just a few still available!
Gifts Galore: Christmas—front and stacked side view of the game box

Grab one here!

Thanks to our amazing Kickstarter backers:

Elena K., Jim Stefani, WarrickAuthor, Jessica Bushkuhl, Sarah Andre, R. W. M., Renee P., Finn B., Sydney M. L., Danielle V., Axel N., Dolphy, Marina S., Collin Boltz, George Kahn, Sharon Ferraro, Kate Stefani, Marina A. K., Marina K., Dave and Danielle Stefani, Jessica Ishmael, Nichole Thompson, Brian Asquith, Matthew and Amanda, Renata Knific, Y. K., Jeff Chatfield, Michael Borzkowski, B. and K. S., Waystone Brewing, and those who chose to remain Anonymous.

About the Game:

five cards with sample Christmas trivia questions
Woman reaching across game board to move her player piece (L) and her testimonial (R), reading: "We had so much fun and laughed a lot! I learned a lot of fun Christmas facts too." — Sarah P.

Check out more photos and testimonials on our Games in Action page!

Game Rules

For a plain-text version of the rules, click here.

Please note: Variations are included starting on page 10.